Last week the EU announced that it was going to change its renewable energy targets although at the time of writing the significance of this is as yet unclear.
At present the target is to cut emissions measured against those produced in 1990 by 20 % by 2020 and for 20% of energy consumption to come from renewable sources by that date. This policy has certainly had a major impact on the British countryside with wind turbines and solar PV “farms” springing up all over the place.
These projects have been driven by subsidies and it these subsidies which have been blamed by major electricity supply companies for pushing up our energy prices and this subject has clearly become a “hot political potato”.
But, if we believe climate change is important, there is little doubt that significant financial incentives will be required over a long period to encourage the huge investment which is required to shift our energy supply chain away from fossil fuel based technologies to low or zero greenhouse gas emitting sources of energy.
It is believed the EU’s change in policy will still involve setting targets on the reduction in greenhouse gas emissions but countries will be given freedom on how to achieve these targets. This will cause concern in some quarters because the viability of many renewable energy projects is dependent upon the receipt of subsidies and provided there is confidence that the subsidies will continue then so too will investment.
It is believed the new target will be a 40% reduction in 1990 greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 but each country can choose how to achieve this, whether that be through investing in renewables, nuclear or perhaps by burning gas rather than coal for instance. As you can see this could result in a shift in emphasis away from renewable energy technologies if the government so wishes. This could have a effect farmers and landowners, many of whom have looked at renewable energy projects as a significant additional source of income.
It is too early to tell what impact if any the recent EU announcement will have on our domestic energy policy but a lack of certainty going forward is a concern highlighted by Jonathan Scurlock, NFU chief advisor on renewable energy and climate change. He said, “The failure to send a clear message to the renewable energy supply chain makes some investors nervous.” He went on to comment that the government showed a “lack of enthusiasm” for renewables while showing encouragement of fracking.
Clearly fracking is yet another whole subject which could have an impact on our countryside on which we do not have space to comment here but on which there will no doubt be many more column inches written in the coming years.
Carter Jonas’ energy team can provide advice and comment on any Renewable Energy proposals and for any queries in the South West please contact Thomas Ireland in their Wells office on 01749 683386.
James Stephen MRICS FAAV
Rural Practice Chartered Surveyor, Wells
T: 01749 683381
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