Monday, 19 May 2014

Changes in the subsidy system for solar projects

Last week the government announced a consultation on changes to the subsidy system for large scale solar projects of over 5MW capacity which would equate to a site of about 30 acres. Originally it was planned that the current subsidy system which is involves so called Renewable Obligation Certificates (ROCs) was going to be phased out by 2017 but the latest proposal is to phase out ROCs for the large scale developments by 31st March 2015.

I suspect the primary reason for this is that there has been a huge expansion in solar development and as the general public have started to see these projects popping up in the countryside, support for such projects has started to dwindle.

It has been significantly easier to obtain planning consent for Solar parks than for wind turbines for example and as a result the scale of solar developments across southern Britain in particular has probably taken everyone by surprise, hence the government’s latest consultation.

After 31st March 2015, large solar projects will have to bid competitively for funding against all other forms of renewable energy production through a scheme called “Contracts for Difference” (CfD). As solar production is generally regarded as one of the less efficient forms of renewable energy production, it remains to be seen how well solar energy will compete for funding through this new scheme.

However, what this demonstrates is that the renewable energy sector, which is heavily reliant on subsidy, is a risky sector to be involved in because the government has a track record of chopping and changing its policy. These changes may be as a result of public pressure or the realisation the level of subsidy being offered is inappropriate, but for whatever reason this makes planning a renewable energy project very difficult.

It seems likely that if the ROCs are removed in March next year that we will see a headlong rush to develop out all the sites which are capable of being developed over the next year and so don’t be surprised to see a significant increase in the number of solar parks being developed in the coming months.

I am sure there will be many readers who will be pleased to hear that it is likely the development of large scale solar parks may now be curtailed but equally one cannot help wondering where our electricity will be coming from in 5 years time as many coal fired power stations are being decomissioned. Fracking is likely to be the next big source of energy and so perhaps all the antis need to be careful what they wish for. Maybe a few more wind turbines would not be a bad idea after all.

James Stephen MRICS FAAV
Rural Practice Chartered Surveyor, Wells

T: 01749 683381

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