Monday, 6 October 2014

Single Payment Scheme payments: the lowest in 7 years

The value of this year’s Single Payment Scheme (SPS) payments was set last week at 77.7 pence per Euro which is the lowest rate for 7 years. The Single Payments, which are defined in Euros, are converted to Sterling in order to be paid to British farmers, based on the Euro/Sterling exchange rate on 30th September.

This will come as unwelcome news to farmers who are already facing difficult trading conditions as wheat prices have plummeted to around £100 per tonne while milk prices continue to fall with most dairy farmers now being paid below 30 pence per litre for their milk and some as little as 25 pence per litre. At these prices farmers will be losing money and with European support payments also falling farmers are facing a tough year ahead.

It is estimated the Single Payment received by farmers this year will be approximately 12% less than last year which is in part due to the exchange rate referred to above but also due to other deductions.

These other deductions include 10% compulsory modulation and a 12% transfer from direct payments (Pillar 1) to rural development (Pillar 2). Together these total 22% which is 3% higher than the deductions imposed in 2013. In addition there is also a 1.6% cut in the UK CAP budget and the European Commission’s Financial Discipline Mechanism (FDM) will also be imposed on those farmers receiving more than 2000 Euros. The FDM rate is currently proposed to be 1.3% although this could vary up or down.

NFU vice-president Guy Smith commented, “For many farmers, looking at increasingly tight cashflow projections in the face of plummeting commodity prices, news that SPS payments are also going to be down will feel like another unwelcome turn of the financial screw.

“Farmers should always be wary of crying ‘wolf’ too early but many of us are getting nervous that there might be some serious financial difficulties on the horizon at the moment,” he said.

So, farmers are definitely feeling the pinch and this was evident at the Dairy Show held at the Bath and West showground on 1st October. Although the show itself appeared to be a great success there were definitely a lot of worried dairy farmers around although opinion appeared to be divided as to how to deal with the falling milk prices. Some favoured direct action while others seemed resigned to the fact that world commodity prices have fallen sharply and this was the primary driver as to why prices have fallen sharply.

However I think all were agreed that they need to be treated fairly by the various milk purchasers so as to ensure farmers are not taking an unfair proportion of the burden imposed on the whole industry by the fall in world commodity prices. It is clarity on this particular point which I think needs to be sorted urgently.

James Stephen MRICS FAAV
Rural Practice Chartered Surveyor, Wells

T: 01749 683381

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